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Gluten Free Jalapeño Yogurt Dip


2 jalapeños

1 cup fresh parsley leaves

½ cup fresh cilantro leaves

¼ cup grated parmesan cheese

2 Tbsp pine nuts

¼ cup olive oil

2 cups Greek yogurt

salt and pepper (to taste)

Milton‘s Gluten Free Crackers


  1. Brush the jalapeños with oil and grill on both sides until charred.

  2. Halve the jalapeños and remove the seeds.

  3. In a food processor, add the jalapeños, herbs, cheese, pine nuts, and pulse until a rough chop.

  4. Season with salt and pepper.

  5. Gradually add the olive oil, while the food processor is on low.

  6. Transfer herb mixture to a bowl, and mix with the yogurt.

  7. Serve with your favorite Milton‘s Gluten Free Crackers.

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